Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hooks and Freire

Both Freire and Hooks have the same notion that education is a gift. Freire talks how knowledge is a gift and that the solution is to reconcile the poles of contradiction so that both are simultaneously teachers and students, in his list of what the solution is not, the main thing that grabbed me was "the teacher knows everything and the student knows nothing." This is where Freire and Hooks have very similar views Hooks speaks of her teacher Miss Moore whom she was very fond of. Moore taught with more then just books, but how to look at themselves and the world around them. Her teaching style was not just valuable to the children she taught, but also to her. Both Freire and Hooks agree that proper teaching must be taught through the teacher, but also from student to teacher, making a rewarding experience. 

1 comment:

  1. Kim,

    You've done a good job of identifying the important concept that the student-teacher relationship must change from authority figure/subordinate to equal/equal where both parties are learning from each other. I think that your language is a little imprecise, however, and I believe your point could be made more clearly if you eliminated the discussion of hooks' teacher and focused more on her theoretical argument (rather than illustrating it with that example). Also, "hooks" should not be capitalized. It is always a good idea, too, to include the essay titles in your comparison/contrast.

