Thursday, April 23, 2009

Caliban as Shakespeare

Alright. So.

I had a hard time finding lines said by Caliban that could be interpreted as Shakespeare's own voice, because I don't know much about Shakespeare's opinions or views of the world.

I finally decided upon Caliban's plot to take Prospero's books and kill him. (3.2.87-103)

Although he is completely drunk, Caliban shows that he is a) observant and b) capable of manipulating and leading those who think otherwise (Stephano & Trinculo)

In these lines, Caliban explains that they should sneak up on Prospero during his nap and steal his books (he is useless without them). This demonstrates that Caliban is extremely observant - it reflects Shakespeare's own observation and depiction of the human race through his plays. In addition to this, it seems that Caliban is much more knowledgable about the island and how to go about defeating Prospero. In many, if not all of Shakespeare's plays, one gets a feeling that he knows much more than the audience and the characters do.

To be further discussed!!

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