Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Nesting bubbles? Multi-oversouls?

So, I don't know what to call it... but it's my theory of the canon.

I believe that there are many concurrent canons at any given time, and that these canons shift (by age of reader, by location, by occupation, by region, by language, and so forth) and overlap. I believe that outside of, for instance, the Writing about Literature bubble there is a slightly bigger bubble - the CSC canon bubble. Outside of that, the New London bubble. Then the NH bubble, the NE bubble, the USA bubble, the world bubble, the universe bubble (okay, maybe not the last one...), if you catch my meaning. And every person within any of the smallest bubbles (i.e., the Writing about Lit bubble) is also a part of each bubble that is slightly bigger outside of that, and each person who is in the smallest level of bubble is just as equally in touch with the larger bubbles if they want to be. Some people probably have no desire to leave their tiniest bubbles, while other people may have no desire to be anywhere but the largest bubble... but my point is that they all exist simultaneously.

In addition, when a work stays in one level of bubble for long enough it moves on to the next biggest level of bubble, and may continue to do so until it reaches the biggest bubble, which is the THE canon.

Make any sense? I hope so.

Roving sentient bubbles? Haha.