Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Canon as Tide Pools

Or maybe the canon is the ocean, and the books are the tide pools? Let's think of the endless metaphors that can be made for the canon/books with tide pools. Some are shallow, others are deep. They all contain something a little different than the others, and are able to exist independently or be connected by a small channel between rocks. When the tide comes in, however, the life of the individual tide pool coexists with the entire ocean.

I also hinted the other day that, seeing as the moon controls the timing and heights of the tides, it could be symbolic of the readers. During certain times of each lunar cycle, the tide pools might be bigger, smaller, or indistinguishable from the waves crashing into the intertidal zone. I think this could possibly represent the importance, intertextuality, and overall popularity of a book at any given time being at the mercy of the reader.

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