The books on the very top are those belonging in THE CANON...staring down their spines at the easy-to-reach books, which represent one's personal canon - read more often, loved and worn. That's not to say books in the Canon aren't worthy of love...
Ezra Pound (T.S. Eliot's cohort and a modernist just like V. Woolf)
...a new species?...
Bookfox (vulpes libris), a small bibliovorous mammal of overactive imagination and uncommonly large bookshop expenses. Bookfoxes live in a wide variety of habitats, and usually find something to read in the unlikeliest places. They tend to hunt alone but often gather in packs to discuss their prey.
from "Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"
....value of the humanities?....
The Bricoleur
...our leader...
Virginia Woolf
Happy 127th Birthday
T. S. Eliot
...invented the human being....
...the source?...
A Room of One's Own
...a metaphoric image perhaps?...
crossing over and under
Course Texts
Falling Into Theory (David H. Richter)
Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction ( Jonathan Culler)