Monday, April 27, 2009

For the final...

I know, you don't want to think about the final. It's okay. I understand.

But I'm still going to give you this "assignment."

For the final, please post your own theory about literature (reading it, writing it, studying it, whatever) that answers the "why," "what," and "how" questions. This doesn't have to be anything immense... just your ideas on it.

To start with: does the author really die with the creation of a text? Does the reader complete the text? Is Shakespeare really all that great? What do you think of the canon? Mini-canons? Alternative canons? And how does any/all of what we've talked about relate to US as individuals who study English and literature? (These are not actually questions you need to answer - just things to ponder to get your thoughts moving if you need a mental push.)

Please bring these posts (or at least the ideas) with you to the final exam on Monday so that you have some ideas to work with for the discussion (which YOU lead!).

P.S. I'm happy to drive some folks to Ann Page's... I can fit four plus me. Just let me know! :)

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