The canon to me I guess is somewhat like a Jetty. It is man made to create some sort of pathway or to keep things on one side or the other. It is a solid structure where the larger rocks are in the center while the smaller ones surround it. To me the larger rocks are the “classics” that are the core of the canon/ Jetty, while the smaller rocks are the newer books, added on more recently. Although a jetty is a solid structure it does still have the ability to be warn away by that thrashing of the waves. I guess in the world of literature the waves could be equated to the critics.
If the person in charge of land preservation chooses they can bring in new rocks to either strengthen the structure or expand. In that, they may need to remove rocks that have been deteriorated. We see in the canon that new literature is brought in and often something else needs to be removed. Much like the Jetty the cycle goes on and on.
..really intriguing....ann page!